28 Doctor Who Actors Who Died In 2022

5. Bernard Cribbins

Doctor Who Wilfred Mott Bernard Cribbins
BBC Studios

Bernard Cribbins was born in December 1928 and is of course best known as the beloved Wilfred Mott, grandfather to Donna Noble. Mott first appeared in the Christmas Special Voyage Of The Damned, before returning as a semi-regular for the fourth season of the revival. He became an official companion of the Tenth Doctor for both parts of The End Of Time and will be seen once again in the 60th Anniversary specials airing in 2023.

This, however, is far from Cribbins' first appearance in Doctor Who. He holds the record of being the only actor to portray a companion of a main series Doctor, and of Peter Cushing's Doctor in The Dalek Invasion Of Earth 2150 AD. He was once interviewed by producer Barry Letts as a potential for replacing Jon Pertwee, though of course, Tom Baker got the role instead.

Cribbins lent his voice to The Wombles for years and holds the record for the most appearances on Jackanory. He served in the British Army and was awarded the General Service Medal for his service in Palestine in 1948. He was an OBE, and in 2014 was awarded the J.M. Barrie award for his lasting contribution to children's arts.

Cribbins died on 27th July. He was 93 years of age.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick