28 Doctor Who Actors Who Died In 2022

3. Marcello Magni

Doctor Who Wilfred Mott Bernard Cribbins
BBC Studios

Marcello Luigi Giuseppe Magni was born in July 1959 in Bergamo, Italy. He appeared in Doctor Who only once, though memorably. He was Barney Collins, the coma-stricken local of Leadworth, imitated by Prisoner Zero. It was in this role that Magni would get to showcase his decades of theatrical experience.

He was one of the founding members of Complicité, a theatre company that allowed Magni to showcase his incredible physical acting. There are hints of this in his ability to mimic his dog in The Eleventh Hour, something that was initially thought to be on the CGI artists' to-do list. He trained in mime, mask, and physical theatre with Jacques Lecoq in Paris, while also displaying an enormous talent for dramatic roles as well.

Through the company, he met, fell in love with, and eventually married, Kathryn Hunter. They would continue to act together until 2022. The sound of his voice would also be very familiar to Penguin enthusiasts, as he loaned his vocal skills to play Pingu, along with a host of other characters in the children's show.

He died on September 18th. He was 63 years old.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick