28 Doctor Who Actors Who Died In 2022

21. Valentine Palmer

Doctor Who Wilfred Mott Bernard Cribbins
BBC Studios

Valentine Palmer appeared in the Third Doctor serial Day Of The Daleks. Here, he played Monia, a guerilla warrior, and leader of the human resistance in an alternate 22nd century. He was instrumental in saving both the Third Doctor and Jo Grant from the Daleks.

Born in London in 1935, Palmer was a talented musician. He entered RADA in his youth but left to perform music with the classical jazz bands that he formed, featuring himself on the trumpet. He was also an accomplished opera singer, and for years worked as both a voice actor and a voice coach.

He was the nephew of Charles Herbert Lightoller, the second officer aboard the RMS Titanic on the night of her sinking, and the most senior member of the crew to survive. Palmer wrote a novel about his uncle, in which he wrote about his uncle's beliefs that the tragedy could have been avoided. Lightoller original defended White Star Line, though years later would walk back his defence. His experience on the ship, plus his experience at sea overall, led to suggestions that greatly improved the safety standards at sea.

Palmer himself hadn't seen Day of the Daleks until a fan sent him a remastered edition DVD, as he had left England for Mallorca almost immediately after filming wrapped. He passed away on January 10th. He was 86 years old.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick