Casting Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reboot

15. Mads Mikkelsen - Gul Dukat

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Reboot

Gul Dukat is probably the most evil single character in all of Star Trek, so getting his casting right needs to be of the highest priority. For you see, Dukat is not simply an evil meglomaniac - he is also, in his own twisted way, a caring father figure for the Bajoran people and a guided leader of the Cardassians.

To display this level of derrangement, one needs look no further than the fantastic - and frightening - Mads Mikkelsen. Anyone who has watched Hannibal need not worry as to whether he can play evil or not.

He can be warm and caring when the situation calls for it, something that Dukat needs to be seen as as well. But having him take on the mantel of the galaxy's greatest despot is an easy choice for this reboot.

Please, CBS!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick