Casting Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reboot

14. Garak - Christoph Waltz

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Reboot

While no one would ever dream that Andrew Robinson is not the perfect fit for the Cardassian 'tailor', there is also a very loud contingent of people who will think immediately of Christoph Waltz when searching for an intensely likeable villain.

For Garak is a villain, even if he is playing on the side of the Angels.

Waltz's performances speak for themselves here. He can play both a smaller, cagier role or an out and out, over the top madman. Frankly, both suit the role of Garak perfectly. He needs to be both menacing and coy, engaging and secretive and at all times mysterious. With that smile on display, it is not hard to imagine the person on the receiving end vanishing from the station in the moments that follow!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick