Casting Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reboot

13. Kassidy Yates - Zoe Kravitz

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Reboot

Zoe Kravitz has been an absolute find in Hollywood recently, not least in her performance in Big Little Lies. She shows cool under pressure, while also displaying a fun and carefree attitude - something that Kassidy should be able to bring to the station.

She will need to work as a counter-balance for Ben Sisko, which Kravitz could certainly achieve. Also, if the idea of switching Jake's character to a female part were to go ahead, Kravitz has already shown that she can be both sisterly and motherly when the situation arises.

There is also a tough streak to her, something that a potential Maquis supplier - but certainly a freighter captain - would need in spades. Penny Johnson may still have our hearts, but Kravitz would most certainly win them over eventually!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick