Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

15. Rom

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Grand Nagus Rom (twenty years later and it still sounds strange) was the most antithetical of Ferengi to actually take on the role. However, by the time Zek was ready to hang up his staff, Rom was truly the only man for the job.

He had never hungered for profit in the same way as his brother or his first wife. Having been fleeced and left with nothing, he worked under his brother and attempted to raise his son, Nog. For the first couple of years, Rom was mostly a background character but as time went by, he began to shine a little more.

When he finally stood up to his brother, a new man was born. Stepping away from the search for profit, he embraced his passion for engineering, working alongside Chief O'Brien. He helped in the war effort by coming up with the idea for self-replicating mines, something likened to the Manhattan Project.

His marriage to Leeta was eventful, marked initially by her evacuation to Bajor and then by his imprisonment by the Dominion. Yet they supported each other and helped Nog on his journey to recovery after his injury. Rom's softer, enlightened way of looking at the universe ensured that Zek chose him to lead the Ferengi people into a brighter future.

With Quark's bar now located on Freecloud, it is uncertain what has become of the two brothers in the years that have gone by!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick