Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

14. Damar

Star Trek Deep Space Nine
CBS Media Ventures

Damar became one of the most unlikely heroes in the entire run of Deep Space Nine. Starting life as a simple background character on Dukat's Bird of Prey, he rose through the ranks to become Dukat's closest aid and, after the latter's fall, the leader of the Cardassian Union.

Damar's journey was riveting. He was easily loathsome at the beginning and his early appearances on the station during the sixth season did little to change this image. His attempted roughhousing, and later murder, of Ziyal solidified him as a pure villain in the eyes of most.

However, going into the final year of the war, a change began to come over him. Millions of Cardassian soldiers were dying in the name of expansion and yet no new territories were being claimed. They were effectively becoming fodder for the Dominion to throw at the Federation Alliance.

He began to plot an uprising, working quietly behind the scenes to free Cardassia. His first target was a Vorta cloning facility - a direct move against his nemesis, Weyoun.

His journey was not without sacrifice. He would lose his entire family for his efforts and eventually his own life at the entrance to Dominion HQ, but history will remember Damar as a man of honour who fought for the freedom of his people, no matter the cost.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick