Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

13. General Martok

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

General Martok was introduced in stages - first as a Changeling infiltrator and then as himself, as a prisoner that Worf and Garak encounter in the Gamma Quadrant. In the Dominion War, he became one of the most trustworthy and efficient leaders.

This too came about in stages. He had almost been broken by the Jem'hadar while in captivity, needing a solid challenge from Worf in front of his crew to awaken his warrior's spirit. Once roused, he ran with this energy right up to the final day of the war itself.

He was both popular and successful and regrettably inexperienced in the ways of politics. In the latter days of the war, the Klingon forces were the only thing holding the Breen at bay. Martok argued to conservatism and consolidation but Chancellor Gowron, sensing a threat in Martok, ordered him to complete failed raid after failed raid, all aimed at destroying his reputation.

Enter Worf (again). A quick challenge and knife fight later, Gowron lay dead and Worf was about to be proclaimed Chancellor of the High Council, until he transfer the power to Martok.

Since the days of Kayhless, Martok is one of the greatest leaders of the Empire. It remains to be seen what has become of him by the time of Picard, as the supernova that destroyed Romulus would surely have had a knock-on effect on the Klingon Empire as well. However, there would be no better man for the job than Martok.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick