Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

10. Lt. Cmdr Worf

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Worf was brought to Deep Space Nine to advise Sisko on the Klingons (and to help the show with falling ratings). Both worked and he was established as a new main character from the fourth season opener The Way of The Warrior.

For a time, Worf struggled to find his place on the station, something that reflected the writers' struggles to find a niche for him to slot into. He had a clear purpose as the Klingons attacked the station, yet what could he do on the normal week to week running of events? He clashed with Odo, as he was unable to accept that he no longer worked security.

He would find purpose again as the commander of the Defiant, moving his quarters on board to better isolate himself from the rest of the station. This seemed to settle him and he began to be a more active part of daily events.

His relationship with Jadzia Dax would become the most significant one for either of them. They fell in love, promising to marry. Their wedding ceremony, though stopping and starting many times thanks to Martok's interfering wife Lady Sirella, is a beautiful affair, worthy of song.

The death of Dax affected him deeply, leading to a daring mission to destroy a Dominion ship yard to ensure her entry into Sto-vo-Kor.

Worf's last assignment was as Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, joining his surrogate brother Martok back on the Homeworld.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick