10 Best Matches From WWF vs WCW/ECW Invasion

8. Booker T vs The Rock - SummerSlam 2001

If the last match was a huge clash of styles, this one is something of a copycat match. Comparisons had been drawn between Booker and Rocky long before WCW was bought out, many believing Book to be ripping off the Brahma Bull's shtick. It's easy to see why, both charismatic guys with theatrical signature moves (the people's elbow and the spinaroonie) and blatantly similar finishers. The pair put on a loudly-received match for the WCW Championship, which Rock won to even the odds for the WWF - Austin having taken the WWF title over to the Alliance when he defected. Despite the arguably unnecessary meddling of Shane McMahon at ringside (although he plays the heel manager role as well as anybody) the pair put on a nice match, complete with all the theatrics you'd expect. Although the main event that night, it was overshadowed by some lower matches on an excellent PPV, but still did its job and sent the crowd home happy. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y082_wwf-summerslam-2001-the-rock-vs-boo_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.