10 Dream WWE WrestleMania Feuds That Should Have Happened

6. CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

OK, so we'll admit, despite the atrocious booking that preceded it, Bryan's big Wrestlemania Moment at Mania 30 in New Orleans was incredible; the ultimate pay-off for fans who were getting a sense of deja vu at seeing the company's best performer constantly dicked out of the title picture. Imagine if, though, that moment came after a five-star, all-time classic between WWE's two best wrestlers? Punk and Bryan had some great matches during Punk's record-breaking title reign, but they never really felt like a part of the Main Event feud they should have been. Why not keep that title on Punk (or have him win it back from Cena after Cena goes over at Mania 29 - yes, we've really thought about all this), have him go up against a World Heavyweight Title-holding Daniel Bryan and have Bryan go over to unify the two titles right there and then? It would be the Internet's wet dream, and we'd have loved it.

Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!