10 Most Disappointing WWE Moments Of 2020 (So Far)

1. "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" Overhype

Edge Randy Orton Backlash

Edge romped back into WWE life with a tear in his eye at the Royal Rumble, and everyone shared in that powerful, building-shaking emotion. He'd spent nine long years never knowing if he'd wrestle again. That period was particularly harrowing because Edge never got to walk away on his own terms.

2020 offered a reprieve, and WWE did everything to make life difficult.

How else could one describe the preposterous decision to promote Edge vs. Randy Orton (the former's first true singles match in almost a decade) as the "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" before it had even happened. The fact a terrific AJ Styles vs. Daniel Bryan showpiece aired two days earlier on SmackDown was like rubbing salt into wounds.

Talk about pressure. This had to be a nightmare for both guys, but especially Edge. It was disappointing to see WWE threaten what should've been a carefree, blissful moment for one of their old warhorses when he needed their promotional backing most.

He still knocked it out of the park, to be fair.

What other WWE moments disappointed you during 2020's first half? For more like this, check out Ranking Every WWE PPV Of 2020 (So Far) and 10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.