10 Most Well-Developed Characters In Wrestling Today
6. Big E
If WWE are going to drop the ball on Big E’s main event push - and it’s looking increasingly likely that they are - it’ll be all the more disappointing for the great work E has done on his characterisation over the past year or so.
Every member of The New Day is delightful, but while Woods is the jester and Kingston the slightly bland noble journeyman, E has real depth, and he has been steadily building himself into a viable champion before our eyes. As a potential World Champion, we’ve seen E attempt to strike a balance between his carefree attitude and the intensity needed to rise to the top.
Big E became champion his own way, knuckling down and honing his killer instinct while still joking around with his buddies. On and offscreen he speaks on topics he cares about - his amateur background, the BLM movement - and has ascended the dayglo gaiety of The New Day to become a proper hero with hopes, dreams, and flaws.
Will the company bin all that off and send him back to the midcard? Probably, yes. The important thing is that Big E has proven where he can take this character, and with any justice he’ll get to do so again.