Batista has a natural sense of ego, he demands the best. When he doesn't get it, not only is he unhappy, he is vocally critical. We first witnessed this back in the mid 2000's when Batista demanded more of the Smackdown locker room, criticizing his colleagues in an interview with The Sun Newspaper - I've watched their tapings live and it seems like a lot of the guys couldnt care less. Theres a lack of passion and pride. There are guys on both shows who are lazy, couldn't care less and show no dedication. It was hardly the most appropriate thing for Batista to say, he was a relative rookie, Smackdown was full of veterans. He later revealed that he got a ton of heat from Vince McMahon and Undertaker for those comments. It's indicative that Batista expects the best from WWE, he demands superior content which meets his expectations. Right now WWE aren't delivering that in his mind. He is back in the company, but it isn't the experience what he thought it would be.