10 Things You Learn Binge Watching WWE's Ruthless Aggression Era

1. Mr. McMahon Outstayed His Welcome

John Cena Shawn Michaels Matt Hardy Big Show

You won't find many fans bashing Vince McMahon's work during the 'Attitude' days. He was tremendous heel foil for Steve Austin, and came into his own as the number one bad guy in the biz. The Mr. McMahon character had run his race by the time he spat that "Ruthless Aggression" tagline in June 2002 though.

WWE leaned on the same old ideas for McMahon's feuds, and he routinely stunk out the joint by becoming too much of a focal point. Maybe Vince thought his roster lacked the same star power it'd had before, and figured he'd have to step up and save the day. Or maybe his ego tricked him into thinking the world needed Vinnie Mac: ECW Champion.

It's fair enough if McMahon was only trying to keep some steam going on TV, but watching RA back reveals that he almost veered awkwardly into Vince Russo on WCW Nitro in 2000 territory more than once. That was especially true between 2005-2007 when ECW Title reigns, wrestling "God" and being pranked by D-Generation X let Vince hog the spotlight.

It got to be too much when binging the shows.

What do you remember about WWE's "Ruthless Aggression" era? For more wrestling, check out 10 WWE Wrestlers To Jump Ship RIGHT NOW and 10 Wrestlers Who Peaked In WWE Developmental

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