10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

2. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 1998)

Steve Austin The Undertaker

Sometimes, even the most incidental of bumps to the head are enough to make a wrestler forget.

In the main event of SummerSlam 1998, Steve Austin ran off the ropes and planted a boot right in The Undertaker's midsection. Reacting, 'Taker stood up to reciprocate and accidentally thumped his noggin off Austin's chin. For the remainder of the match, Austin gritted his teeth and tried to get his bearings again.

That minor incident pretty much ruined the match. After being knocked out for the first time in his life, Austin guessed his way though some rudimentary spots and admitted on his podcast that he was unhappy with the match afterwards. He was obviously frustrated that, embarrassing knock out blow or not, it wasn't his finest performance.

As he was flapping around like an upended turtle on the canvas, Austin had to look up and ask referee Earl Hebner where he was. The only thing he remembers after that is Earl shouting, "You're in the Garden" and laying on a table. That's literally it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.