11 Wrestlers WWE Fired And Then Immediately Rehired

1. Matt Hardy

Edge, Matt Hardy

Fired: Officially, Matt Hardy was fired for "unprofessional conduct" on 11 April 2005. He'd been very vocal on social media upon discovering that his longtime girlfriend Lita and real-life friend Edge were having an affair behind his back.

WWE took the path of least resistance, or so they thought, and ditched Hardy.

Rehired: Exactly three months later on 11 July, Matt made his WWE return as a vengeful babyface out for Edge's blood. The real-life heartache of the situation was turned into a newsworthy storyline, and it was seriously hot stuff at the time. Fans loved the thought of seeing Hardy hunt Edge down and lambast Lita for her treachery.

As usual, money talked. WWE treated the situation like a shoot, but made an arse of the angle by having Matt lose to Edge at SummerSlam. Though he'd get his win back at Unforgiven, Matt lost to Edge again on the 3 October Raw.

At least he had his job back.

Which other wrestlers were fired and then back almost immediately? For more wrestling, check out WWE 2K22: 10 Things They Must Get Right and 10 Best Matches From Wrestlers WWE Released This Week!

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Zelina Vega
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.