6. Will Dean Ambrose Turn Heel At Survivor Series?
Asked by @crazysportdude There's a possibility of Dean Ambrose going heel at Survivor Series and costing Roman Reigns the WWE Title. However, it is also a move beset by problems. With Ambrose being so liked by the crowd, there's the chance that screwing Reigns would just garner cheers for The Lunatic Fringe. That's not what WWE want, they want all the cheers on Roman. That said, Ambrose is going nowhere as a babyface. He couldn't even get on the card at Hell In A Cell. The turn is badly needed. It does appear WWE have been building to it, as Ambrose has been extra friendly to Reigns for months. It looks like a narrative set up for a betrayal. But maybe it would be better saved for after Survivor Series, rather than the event itself. That way Regins can become champion, then WWE can moved forward with the Ambrose rivalry.