16 Revelations From The FalconArrow's WWE Reddit AMA
15. The WrestleMania Round-Up
When it came to gossip about the outcome of WrestleMania 32, falconarrow was a little sketchy (probably because it had only taken place the night before, a further indication that she worked in an east coast office most of the week).
She could confirm that as far as she knew, talent and crew were very pleased with how WrestleMania turned out this year, which is fair enough: for the most part, the in-ring action was exemplary and the production was world-class.
Interestingly, contrary to reports from other established sources, falconarrow asserted that the final decisions about the order of the card and the scripted outcomes were actually almost all made a week prior to the event, not right up until the wire. When asked whether there were any last minute changes, her response was:
“None. Everything was locked in for the most part as of Saturday.”
Now, obviously WrestleMania 33 is twelve months away, but falconarrow’s tip for the main event is still a good one, although not one that comes out of left field:
“If I had to guess now. Cena / Taker in Takers going away match.”
It’s long been whispered that the Undertaker’s last match would be at WrestleMania against John Cena, a man he’s never faced at the event.