20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

12. The New Day (C) Vs The Usos Vs The Lucha Dragons, Tag Titles Ladder Match - TLC

TLC's tag team triple threat ladder match was unexpectedly awesome. Sure, a ladder gimmick is usually entertaining, but this went way beyond your typical crash and burn match. There was intensity and emotion to it, with all three teams busting it to get the gold. That said, it was let down by timing and psychology issues, with wrestlers going missing for huge chunks, but that's fairly typical in these scenarios. It wasn't a big enough issue to hold the match back in terms of entertainment, and the spots were so mind blowingly explosive that you couldn't help but to get into it. The highlight, and perhaps the spot of the year, was Kalisto doing the Salida Del Sol on Jimmy Uso off the top of ladder, sending them both crashing through another ladder down below. This was Jeff Hardy style crash and burn, pure mayhem. The New Day retained, but it was The Usos and The Lucha Dragons who really stole the show.
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