5 Things About WCW/ECW Invasion That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

2. Backstage Politics Get In The Way Of Business

If Vince already had a poor perception of WCW and ECW talent before they got to the WWF, then the backstage politicking of certain WWF wrestlers certainly didn't help matters. Knowing that there would be twice as many wrestlers competing for the same number of spots, people were understandable job-scared. There was very real resentment that some new guys would come into the WWF castle and reap the rewards that their years of hard work had made possible. Locker room leaders like Bradshaw, Ron Simons and Bob Holly made no secret of the fact that they weren't happy working with and putting over the WCW talent. The don of the WWF, The Undertaker, also felt this way about several talents that he worked with. 'Taker reportedly buried Mike Awesome after a house show match the two had, tarnishing with the dreaded 'he doesn't know how to work' brush. The Undertaker was also not happy with DDP's performances, hence the manner in which Page was squashed by Undertaker during their feud. Shawn Stasiak, who had been fired from the WWF in 1999 after he was found taping wrestlers' conversations, was also buried during the storyline, along with several others. It's a shame that egos came into play the way they did. If the WWF wrestlers had have been more willing to work with the WCW guys, it could have greatly improved the angle.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...