5 Things About WCW/ECW Invasion That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

3. An Abrupt End

The entire Invasion angle was over in six months. What should have been one of the easiest, biggest-money angles in the history of the wrestling business got five pay-per-views. This is a feud that, had the stars aligned (or opted out of their Time Warner deals) and everything went well, they could have ran with it for a year. So what happened? Well, the Invasion was seen as a massive disappointment to all involved. Vince and the WWF officials never had faith in the ECW and WCW workers. To Vince, WCW and ECW were minor league and he wasn't willing to present them as on the same level as the mighty WWF. That was the major problem: Vince's perception of WCW and ECW. How often did the Alliance get the upper hand on Vince and co.? Also, Steve Austin and other top WWF stars defected to the Invasion so it essentially became WWF versus WWF a lot of the times. Just look at the difference between the main events of the first and last Invasion PPVs. For the inaugural brawl you had The Dudley Boys, DDP, Rhyno and Booker T taking on Austin, Angle, Jericho, Kane and The Undertaker. By Survivor Series it was Austin, Shane McMahon, Kurt Angle, Booker T and RVD on team ECWCW. Vince may have looked ecstatic as Survivor Series went off the air, but he must have been gutted with how the Invasion turned out.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...