5 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (Dec 3)

1. Malakai Black Wants Blood

Malakai Black

AEW did, however, manage to inject a little side story.

Malakai Black showed up to spit green mist into PAC's remaining good eye. That cost he and Penta the chance to win, pretty much handed FTR the victory and irked the live crowd in a good way. Then, as if that wasn't enough, Black jammed his thumb into PAC's eye again and ended the night with blood on his hands.

The entire main event stretch had a decidedly old-school wrasslin' vibe to it. That's not a knock whatsoever. In fact, it's a major positive that All Elite can dip into the industry's past and make it feel relevant in 2021. Plus, everything had a serious atmosphere, which was much-appreciated.

Malakai vs. PAC will be bloody (ha) brilliant when it finally happens one-on-one in AEW. The one-eyed PAC now has motivation to kick seven shades out of Black too. This was a hot ending to Rampage, and was totally the right call.

What did you think of this week's AEW Rampage? For more like this, check out WWE 2K22: 10 Things 2K Must Get Right and 6 Ups & 0 Downs From AEW Rampage (Nov 26)!

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