6 Ups And 10 Downs From WWE TLC 2019
7. Easily Distracted
Wrestling always requires a suspension of disbelief. That’s how we as fans are able to enjoy it without stopping to ask how an Irish whip actually works or other stuff like that.
However, you had to completely turn off your brain during the Roman Reigns/King Corbin match at one critical point. Reigns was going for a spear when Dolph Ziggler popped up and hit a superkick, leveling The Big Dog. But rather than follow up and put him away, Ziggler and Corbin turned their attention to a guy in the timekeeper’s area, tossing him onto the floor and randomly attacking him.
They retrieved handcuffs and more dog food, as it looked like they were going to repeat what they did to Roman a couple weeks ago. But instead, they returned to the downed timekeeper, getting distracted for a solid minute and completely forgetting about Reigns until he dove in with a drive-by to take both of them out.
It was insanely stupid, as there was no discernable reason to attack the random guy and then ignore Roman. None. If you find yourself yelling at the TV, “What are you doing? Your opponent is right there!”, then you know it was a dumb spot.