All 33 June WWE PPV Main Events Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Money In The Bank 2016 (Seth Rollins Vs. Roman Reigns)

Triple H Batista

This match was perhaps a victim of its own hype. Seth Rollins returned to the month prior at Extreme Rules to a massive ovation, and the hype surrounding this PPV was enormous. Unfortunately, the match itself between Reigns and Rollins was just...ok. June has something of an unfortunate theme.

In theory, it should have been amazing, with Reigns actually playing the heel while Seth wrestled like a face, but for whatever reason, Seth just hasn’t been the same dynamic performer he was before his ACL injury, and this match is Exhibit A. The pace is draggy for what should be a heated grudge match between two former allies. Instead, it’s just kind of there.

Still, the match is redeemed in the end when Rollins gets a clean victory and unseats Reigns as champion. Then, moments later, Dean Ambrose cashes in his Money in the Bank contract to win the title, thus making all three members of the Shield World champion within the same five minute span.

It’s an okay match followed by an iconic moment, so it’s worth a look.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.