Predicting The Next 10 Alignment Changes In WWE

6. Omos

Becky Lynch

We briefly mentioned wrestling tropes in an earlier entry, and now it's time to look at another one: "Angry Giant Beats Up Condescending Manager".

Managers and clients almost invariably turn on each other at some point in their careers, and nothing facilitates a face turn faster than a fed-up wrestler give their lippy manager a well-deserved slap. Fans forgave Andre the Giant for three years of misdeeds the instant he leathered Bobby Heenan at WrestleMania VI, and we can see WWE attempting a similar trick with Omos and MVP.

Frankly speaking, working as a face against a veteran talent like MVP would be a good move for the young giant. Omos' in-ring skills are subpar, to put it charitably, and he doesn't have the Goldberg-esque aura to get away with endless squash matches. To be fair, Goldberg himself doesn't even have that aura anymore...

Omos working as the good guy in a program against an experienced ring general like MVP would be a good way to build up interest in his character, and hopefully improve his in-ring acumen as well.

Or WWE could just say "F*** it" and turn him into goofball, like they did with Kozlov. Or the Big Show. Or Heidenreich. Or the Big Show. Or Tensai. Or the Big Show.

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Becky Lynch
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