Ranking Every WWE SmackDown "Throwback" From Worst To Best

7. Virtual Fist And Retro Tron

SmackDown Fist

Guess what? They did it! They actually did it! They only went and brought back the legendary MASSIVE SmackDown fist set. Well, once again, kind of.

Putting their recent obsession with 3D graphics to good use, the iconic fist was beamed into the arena on the night... yet, it didn't actually hang around long. In its place, WWE instead opted for a rather odd choice of having the now-typical modern LED tron plastered with the '80s WWE logo and a funky assortment of colours.

Would it have been so hard to just bring back the genuine thing for one special night? Clearly so.

WWE SmackDown Throwback Set 2021

Still, it was nice to see the company bring back such an adored visual in some way, shape, or form, even if the end result felt like a bit of a let down on the night.

This also brings us nicely into the next entry on our list...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...