WWE: 20 Changes That MUST Happen On The Road From WrestleMania 30
13. Inter-Promote Or Split The Brands
What is the point of RAW and Smackdown! if the two shows are not distinct from one another nor recognise each other's existence? When Smackdown! first aired in 1999, RAW actively promoted Smackdown! matches and events and Smackdown! paid the same respects to RAW. When the brands split, with two distinct rosters, both shows developed a separate identity with separate fan bases. Yet in 2014 as RAW remains the premiere show of the WWE, Smackdown! has struggled to find relevancy in a PG era where it is neither distinct nor inter-promoted by RAW as a must see show. It is imperative that the WWE evaluates what it should do with its flagship shows relationship to one another; either inter-promote or push for a new division of the brands, because as it stands apart from being a WWE cash cow, the Smackdown! product in particular is redundant. Separate brand identity was a change that worked at the turn of the 21st century, and now moreso than ever change is necessary to ensure that each brand continues to exist in the WWE as it progresses forward into the 21st century