WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Oct 30)
7. My Arm Is Stronger Than YOUR Arm!

If three hour Raws meant more arm wrestling, I think most fans would have politely declined that offer.
The entire Dana Brooke/Bayley feud has been awful. Bayley has manhandled Dana on every occasion, except for one attack from behind, and one pinfall where Dana was supposed to have put her feet on the ropes for leverage. However, she was unable to perform that tricky feat of moving her legs into the proper position, so she was given a clean win. That makes one wonder why a rematch of any sort was necessary.
On Raw, the two competed in a test of strength, which Dana would obviously win because her arms are twice the size of Bayley’s. It’s SIMPLE MATH! Well, WWE makes all their heels look weak in every possible situation, so they had Dana about to lose the one contest she should never lose, and so she attacked her opponent...and then got beatdown in a matter of seconds to look even weaker.
Dana should be paired back with Emma (let’s just stop with this Emmalina thing right now), and Bayley can fight some jobbers for a bit. Just please keep them away from each other, and please no more arm wrestling contests for the next 15 years.