WWE Roadblock: End Of The Line Results Predictions

3. RAW Women's Championship 30-Minute Ironman Match: Sasha Banks (c) Vs Charlotte Flair

Kevin Owens Roman Reigns

Certainly the top contender for match of the night, Sasha Banks and Charlotte will continue to create the magic that they have conjured for the better part of 2016. However, as the tagline suggests, this 30-minute Ironman match will be the end of the line for their rivalry.

The story of back and forth between these two has seen Sasha win the gold on an episode of RAW, only for Charlotte to win it back at the next PPV (Summerslam, HIAC). Once again, the last meeting, on RAW, resulted in Sasha winning the title in a Falls Count Anywhere match, leading to this encounter.

While the grand finale in Pittsburgh is being advertised as the rivals' last meeting regardless of outcome, I feel that The Boss needs to win this match. If Charlotte wins again on PPV, the status quo of The Queen getting the last laugh is maintained. For this blowoff to be memorable, the current chain of events needs to be disrupted.

Either way, this match will bring the magic of the years best women's feud in years with the best match type to showcase their abilities. Sit back, and enjoy women's wrestling at its finest.

WINNER: Sasha Banks


Residing in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Josh Butcher began watching wrestling in the most Canadian way possible: While looking for something to fill the void of the 2004-2005 NHL Lockout. Ever since, he has been a diligent fan of professional wrestling, even training to become a wrestler.