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10 Horror Movies Ruined By Disturbing Endings
These scary films lost their luster due to unsettling finales.
10 Secret Video Game Companions You Recruit Under The Most Bizarre Circumstances
Through betrayal, marriage, and dark magic, these companions will not be easy to get!
10 Horror Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed Before
These errors passed under your radar first time round. But once you know, you know.
10 Distracting Moments That Almost Derailed Recent Movies
These bizarre moments threw everyone off.
10 Tough Video Game Bosses That Can Be Instantly Defeated With One Simple Secret
Why fight when you can just defeat your enemies with a click of a button?
5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (7 Feb - Results & Review)
Solo Sikoa returns; Alexa Bliss shakes off ring rust; WWE mocks their own Transfer Window.
10 Acclaimed Recent Movies That Audiences HATED
Critics and audiences totally disagreed about these movies.
10 Worst Video Game Ports Ever
There's so many awful ports, the Switch's Mortal Kombat 1 didn't crack the top ten.
10 Horror Movie Plot Twists EVERYONE Guessed
Everyone called The Visit as soon as the trailer dropped.
10 Awesome Recent Horror Movies You'll Never Watch Again
Eye-popping scares, rich characters, shocking twists. But once is more than enough.
10 Horror Franchises Where The First Movie Is NOT The Best
It happens more often than you might think.
10 Horror Movies Everyone Watched (But Nobody Remembers)
We may have been mind-wiped because we don't remember these movies at all.
10 Recent Movie Effects You Thought Were CGI (But Weren't)
These "CGI" effects were actually totally REAL.
15 Best Wrestling Games Of All Time
WWE and WCW games aplenty here. There are some surprises you won't see coming too!
Every Change That Happened During WWE’s Transfer Window
WWE's Transfer Window for Raw, SmackDown and NXT just slammed shut. Here's EVERY brand jump.
Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Orions
When it comes to aliens in Star Trek, let's talk green until we're blue in the face!
Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Raffi Musiker
From down-and-out and struggling to the bridge of the Enterprise-G, who is Raffaela Musiker?
10 Booking Steps For WWE's Road To WrestleMania 41
John Cena's nightmare, Randy Orton's revenge and CM Punk's WWE dreams coming true.
10 Biggest Jump Scares In Star Trek
Don't worry! In Star Trek, you can always replicate a new set of underwear.
10 More Incredible Horror Movies You’ll Never Watch Again (And Why)
These horrors were great, but never again...
7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (3 Feb - Results & Review)
WWE Raw - Rumble fallout, Zayn and Punk light it up, KO erupts!
The Sequel That Could Save Ubisoft
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10 Video Games Better Than The Sum Of Their Parts
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Film / TV
10 Actors Who Absolutely Hate Your Favourite Movie
Which actors cannot stand to even watch films you likely hold dear to your heart?
Film / TV
10 Surprising Reasons Movie Scenes Were Ruined
The Rock's WWE schedule was responsible for THAT CGI abomination.
Film / TV
10 Upcoming Movies That Made PERFECT Casting Choices
Let's be honest - Jason Momoa IS Lobo.
Star Trek
Star Trek: Section 31's Sven Ruygrok Talks To Seán About The Irish Accent
Sven Ruygrok on Section 31's reception, how they landed on the Irish accent, joining the Star…
Film / TV
10 Movie Cameos That Were Total Accidents
If Dustin Hoffman walks onto your set, you give him a job to do.
Star Trek
10 Times Star Trek Depicted Addiction
Sometimes exploring the final frontier exposed Star Trek's protagonists to new forms of…
The BIG Problem Doctor Who Needs To Fix Right Now
How do you solve a problem like Ruby Sunday?
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