10 Amazing Comic Books You're Probably Ignoring

8. John Constantine: Hellblazer

Justice League Dark Wonder Woman Helmet of Fate
DC Comics/John Paul Leon

The original Hellblazer series is one of the medium's finest works, and one that every comic fan should make the effort to read at least once. But if you don't want to have to go back and read over 300 issues, then you're in luck. At the tail end of last year, DC relaunched the Hellblazer series.

After spending years as part of the main DC universe, John Constantine has returned to his roots and is now off on his own in a completely new universe.

The first story arc of the new series just concluded with issue three published last month in January, and so far writer Simon Spurrier has succeeded in capturing the tone and feel of the original series.

Whether you're a long time Constantine fan or a new comer that wants to get into the character, now is the perfect time to jump on. It's dark and dirty, but still has that Constantine charm we all know and love.


Reader and collector of Comics. Watcher of NJPW and NXT. And the guy that knows Green Lantern will be bigger than Star Wars, Fight Me.