10 Anti-Valentine’s Day Comics

9. My Friend Dahmer - Derf Backderf

Dahmer This is a memoir by the cartoonist Derf Backderf, a former classmate of cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Back in high school, before the murders (what a great phrase to say on Valentine's Day!), Jeffrey Dahmer was a troubled kid. A loner by nature, he had few friends and the ones he had liked him for his weird impressions of mentally damaged kids. Then he started drinking heavily, downing pints of whiskey and vodka, making him unable to attend classes because he was so drunk. Backderf realises, looking back, that this was Dahmer's way of repressing his urges, both sexual and sadistic €“ a battle he would lose and never return back from. Dahmer's household was filled with rowing parents who would eventually divorce and who ignored their eldest son so didn't know about the animals he'd murder and dissect in the woods behind their house. The book is a fascinating (in a morbid way) and tragic account of a monster in the making.
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