10 Batman Plot-Holes Everyone Just Accepts

1. His Different Personalities - Batman: Year One, All-Star Batman & Robin, The Dark Knight Returns

Batman Unbreaks Spine
DC Comics

Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight Returns are two of the most definitive versions of the character. Year One features a young Bruce Wayne in his first year of crime-fighting, while Returns sees Bruce in his twilight years, more jaded but still ultimately a hero.

All-Star Batman & Robin was intended to fill the gap between these two seminal stories, delivering a Batman who is neither a rookie nor a veteran, but at the prime of his crime-fighting. Instead, it delivered a psychotic, practically villainous Batman who did not resemble the Year One or Returns incarnations in the slightest.

This incarnation was violent, rude, and arrogant in ways that the others never had been - he basically had a different personality - even though it was Frank Miller who wrote all three of these stories. Seriously, what happened, Frank?

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The Batman Who Laughs
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1. Who Is This?

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!