10 Batman Sidekicks Everyone Forgets

2. Clayface

Batman Harper Row Bluebird
DC Comics

While you'd normally expect to see Clayface trying to murder Batman instead of being his loyal aid, this all changes in Detective Comics #934, which sees Basil Karlo accept a surprising offer from the Dark Knight to join his team.

Although notably more imposing than his new heroes-in-arms, Clayface does a genuinely surprising job of committing to the team, appearing to be genuinely grateful to Batman for offering him this chance to use his powers for good.

Because he's a fairly iconic Batman villain, you spend almost the entire time Karlo is with the team expecting him to turn on them at some point. But aside from one case of him being poisoned with a drug that made him violent, he genuinely never does, leaving the whole thing a surprisingly heartwarming story, especially since it ends with him finally being cured.


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