10 Beloved Comic Book Characters Movie Fans Hate

7. Judge Dredd

Green Lantern Love Hate
Hollywood Pictures

Whilst everyone's favourite judge, jury, and executioner may have found redemption in 2012's hardcore-hyper-violent reboot, fans and audiences still have not forgotten Judge Dredd's original feature-film debut from 1995.

Even having one of the biggest action stars in the world at the time attached to your project is no sure guarantee of success, as the involvement of Sylvester Stallone in the adaptation of one of Britains most successful comics would prove, seeing the Rocky actor delivering one of his all-time worst performances from his long and illustrious career.

Constantly removing his helmet was one of the biggest nopes that sent fans into fits, but combined with some serious over-acting, a weak script, and being a gigantic tonal mismatch certainly did not help him. Sly has even gone on record to apologise for how the film turned out and also commented on its shoddy development.

The memory of this film was so tainted that even the rebooted version struggled to be seen that much by viewers even 17 years after the original debacle was released, further showing that not only fans were put off by the hash that was made of the character, but regular audience goers as well.

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Green Lantern
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Sam Ring hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.