10 Best Black Widow Outfits Of All Time

6. 2099

white widow
Marvel Comics

In the futuristic world of 2099, many of the modern-day heroes are simply people who want to follow in the steps of the heroes of old. For the Black Widow, her successor is a woman named Tania that somehow drenches herself redder than her predecessor.

This futureistic Black Widow started her career in the superhero world as a serial killer who ate people after having sex with them. Despite this quite unsettling fact, she was asked to join the Avengers and served with them all the way into the Secret Wars, though she never really tried to stop her hunger for the flesh of men.

This Widow's outfit reflects heavily the sense of future 2099 brings, with a black and red color scheme, a sleeker set of widow gauntlets, a visor that folds up and down equipped with a set of red eyes, her armored bodysuit is also lined with spider legs, showing us that this Black Widow is far more dangerous than the one we are used to, and she is far more a spider than a hero, but she gets the job done efficiently, if almost always deadly.

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Black Widow
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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.