10 Best Comic Book Villains (That Had No Powers)

2. Lex Luthor

The Riddler
DC Comics

No man in the history of comic books has ever hated a Meta-Human the way Lex hates Superman. His entire existence is based around proving that the Big Blue Boy Scout is not only his inferior, but is also a huge threat to the planet.

He will stop at nothing to make sure the world shares his view, even going so far as to become President of the United States so he can use all the power that comes with it, just to ruin Clark Kent's life.

Another victim of his own genius, like so many villains who don't have powers to rely on, Lex's obsession with Supes will see him throw everything he can at him, in attempt after attempt to bring him down.

He even goes so far as to go toe to toe with Superman on occasion, even if he needs the help of a super suit to do so.

A brilliant engineer who could, realistically, solve most of the world problems if he put his mind to it, he is far more interested in turning a profit in that regard than he is in helping out. But the main thing he desires, is the end of Superman.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.