10 Best Comic Books Of 2018

7. Crowded

Crowded Image Comics
Image Comics

Even before it was published Crowded looked to be a huge success. The comic was picked up for a movie adaptation back in June, with Rebel Wilson looking to star and produce, and given how the comic has performed in the months since, it's easy to see why there was so much buzz to begin with.

Written by Christopher Sebela, with art by Ro Stein and Ted Brant, Crowded boasts an excellent premise and an even better cast of characters, with series leads Charlie Ellison and Vita playing off against each other brilliantly, as the former enlists the help of the latter through an app called Dfend, which connects bodyguards with prospective clients. The catch? Vita isn't the best guard going, and both have to work together in order to survive being targeted by a crowdfunded assassination campaign.

That premise alone should clue you in on Crowded's tone, which manages to be both funny and slightly disquieting in equal parts, but that's where its satire works best. Social media, the gig economy, crowdfunding campaigns - all feature in one way or another, reminding readers that Crowded isn't just an entertaining comic, but a particularly timely one at that.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.