10 Best Inventions Tony Stark Ever Made

1. Sol's Hammer - New Avengers (Vol. 3)

Odin Iron Man Armour
Marvel Comics

Sol's Hammer is, for those unaware, one of the wildest technological inventions ever created in Marvel comics, which means that it's naturally one of Iron Man's more impressive inventions.

The creation is what is referred to as a 'Dyson Sphere', which is a legitimate scientific thought experiment where scientists speculated that creating structures that could contain the power produced by the sun would allow them to fulfill the energy demands a technologically advanced future might require.

However, creating something like this is currently beyond our abilities as a society - but not Tony Stark's, as Marvel has him create such a structure, which is apparently capable of destroying an entire planet when it's roughly 2% charged, which makes it unmistakably also Iron Man's most powerful invention - and his most unnerving.

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Batman Iron Man
Marvel Studios

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.