10 Best Inventions Tony Stark Ever Made

2. The Iron All-Father Armour - War Of The Realms

Odin Iron Man Armour
Marvel Comics

Now, from the offset, it's worth addressing one thing: the All-Father armour wasn't made by just Iron Man. Instead, it required the planning of Tony Stark, and the expertise of both Wakanda's brightest inventor Shuri, and the Dwarves of Nidavellir.

However, as the backbone behind the design, it still stands to reason that the armour is largely Stark's creation. And an impressive one at that, as the Iron All-Father suit not only looks totally badass, but is also inordinately powerful, as it's capable of not only withstanding Odin's powers, but also enhancing them to be even more intense than they were before.

Given that Odin is already one of the strongest Norse gods in the Marvel universe, this is a pretty monumental achievement - especially when you remember that the team was working under time conditions to try and hurry along the armour so Odin could go and help his wife, Freyja, kick some serious villain ass.


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