10 Best Inventions Tony Stark Ever Made

7. Extremis 3.0 - Superior Iron Man

Odin Iron Man Armour
Marvel Comics

While the Superior Iron Man series does cover a scenario where a villainous Iron Man does terrible, terrible things, it's worth mentioning that he does these things with some legitimately impressive inventions, even if they are unimaginably immoral.

Case in point: the Extremis app, which allows you to look how you consider ideal in exchange for the low low price of $99.99... a day.

Tactically, Stark balanced his extortionate prices by having free subscriptions for anyone in a fifty-foot radius of him, allowing him to indulge in a spot of narcissism as countless people flock to him in hopes of getting a free day out of the app.

It's ruthless, sure, but it's also a pretty clever invention - and a pretty clever way to ensure that there's a crowd of adoring fans near him at all time, ensuring a series of human shields will be on hand should anyone try to stop him.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.