10 Best Inventions Tony Stark Ever Made

4. H.O.M.E.R - Various

Odin Iron Man Armour
Marvel Comics

Despite being relatively unheard of by more modern comic fans, H.O.M.E.R is a hugely important invention in the timeline of Tony Stark's creations, as the first A.I assistant he ever created.

Marvel Cinematic Universe fans may know this A.I better as J.A.R.V.I.S, which is a nod to the name of Stark's butler in the comics, who is also called Jarvis - although the comics too later go on to create an A.I with the same title a year after the first Iron Man film came out.

H.O.M.E.R first appeared in Iron Man #298, and essentially served as Tony's organisational assistant, helping him with everything from Stark Industries to organising his own home. H.O.M.E.R was also programmed to be able to pilot his suits in a case of emergency, meaning a fairly complex level of work must have gone into creating the A.I.


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