10 Best Moments From Charles Soule's Daredevil

3. Supreme

Daredevil By Phil Noto
Marvel Comics

So, you thought that Soule perfected the art of displaying telepathic battles in comic form - well, just have a look at he portrays a courtroom debate.

Matt taking the Slugansky case all the way to the US Supreme Court was another satisfying moment for readers who had been waiting for Murdock to get one over Fisk, but it's actual presentation was something to behold also.

Much like the previous entry, Soule (this time with Alec Morgan) presented the trial in a slightly more unorthodox way, with each statement from the lawyer opposing Matt and working for Fisk e being displayed as Murdock being physically attacked.

Though, despite the brutal, verbal attacks aimed at him and his argument, Matt ultimately came out on top, in a case which, in any universe, ended up being pretty historic.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!