10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

1. All-Star Superman

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DC Comics/Frank Quitely

There is no doubt that Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly's 'All-Star Superman' is the greatest Superman story ever told and, because of this, it's also the greatest Superman and Lex Luthor story ever written.

When Lex sabotages the PROJECT team as they are exploring the sun it's up to Superman to save them. He does this but at quite a cost as it was Luthor's plan all along to have the Man of Steel exposed to massive amounts of solar radiation, as this unstabilizes his molecular structure and, even though it grants him brand new powers, begins to kill him.

Knowing that his time is short he puts all of his efforts into making sure the planet is safe after he is gone and in doing so comes face to face with Lex in one last battle between the two. His final victory sees him shoot Luthor with a gravity gun and this drains him of his powers, letting Lex finally sees the world as Superman sees it, bringing to a close one of the greatest rivalries in comic book lore.

At least, for a while.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.