10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

2. Red Son

57cbc All star superman 6 2
DC Comics

There is a lot going on in this comic but the underlying story is still the one that these two have fought over and over. It's just that this time around, Lex Luthor is actually fighting for the good fight.

Instead of landing in Smallville it's Russia that becomes the adopted home for Superman and, after his existence is revealed, a new arms race is started except this time it's one for powers instead of nuclear weapons.

He is immediately seen as a threat to the safety of the United States and this brings Lex into the loop as he is recruited by C.I.A agent, Jimmy Olsen, to devise a way to kill the Red Son. Even though his attempts fail, he finds himself in the position to run for President and win. This gives him the opportunity to really throw all of the resources of the US behind him as he continually tries to find a way to destroy Superman.

Red Son is a fantastic story that asks the greatest 'What If?' question of all time and its answer is quite simple. That it really would take a super genius to defeat a Superman.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.