10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

7. The Secret Revealed

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DC Comics

Everyone knows that Lex's hatred for Superman is as strong as a million red suns but just what lengths is he willing to go to to get what he wants? Well, according to this 1987 issue, by John Byrne and Terry Austin, it isn't beyond him to use a little torture to find out what he needs to know.

Determined to find out just who lurks behind the familiar red and blue suit, Lex makes it his mission to expose Superman and he does this by having some of his goons pay a visit to the Kent's farm. It's here that, after they have drugged and captured both John and Martha, they bump into Lana Lang and do the same to her.

When Lex lays eyes on her he immediately recognizes her as someone who is close to Kal and proceeds to torture the hell out of her as he tries, in vain, to get her to cough up a name. When this doesn't happen he lets her escape, knowing that the first person she will run to is the Big Blue Boy Scout.

Even now, just over thirty years later, this is a great comic and the sight of an obviously tortured Lana is still as shocking as it was back then.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.