10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

6. How Much Can One Man Hate?

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DC Comics

The 'Superman Adventures' comic book is one of the most underrated in the entire DC library. Based on the superb 'Superman: Animated Series', it is, arguably, the best version of the Man of Steel throughout the 90s and it also gives the reader some of the greatest stories told in that time period. And none more so than Mark Millar's 'How Much Can One Man Hate?"

After he foils yet another attempt on his life, Superman heads to Lex Corp and asks Luthor a simple question: "What have I ever done to make you hate me this much?". Lex reply is simple: "If you have to ask, you'll never know."

What follows is a look into the reasons behind Lex's blind hatred towards Kal and it seems that it all comes down to jealousy. Everything that he has he's had to work for whereas Clark is seen as a hero just because he saves cats from trees and, up to a point, you can kind of understand what he's getting at.

When another of Lex's creations is sent out to destroy Superman and is eventually defeated, Kal confronts him again and says that he's wasted his genius when he could've been making the world a better place.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.