10 Best Superman & Lex Luthor Stories Ever Written

5. Krisis Of The Krimson Kryptonite

57cbc All star superman 6 2
DC Comics

Even though 'Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite' is kicked off by Mister Mxyzptlk, he is only the catalyst behind the whole thing as the majority of the story is, once again, taken up by Lex's continuing quest to destroy Superman.

When Mxyzptlk creates red kryptonite he offers it to Luthor who is more than happy to take it off his hands. Armed with this new weapon he immediately starts to make Kal's life a living hell by stripping him of his powers.

It's when he is transporting a criminal to jail that the new kryptonite first takes effect. This means he loses his power and falls into the harbor and from here things just get worse for him. He is beaten up by Lex and then thrown out of his office and he has to keep his weakness under wraps as he knows that if the criminal element of Metropolis ever found out about it, they would run wild.

He manages to achieve this with the help of Starman but it isn't until he visits Luthor in the guise of Clark Kent does he finally get the truth about where the red kryptonite comes from.

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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.